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Overwhelmed by Big Daddy Weave

An oldie but a goodie. This song is an accurate picture of me and Jesus. I am overwhelmed by every work of His hand every touch of His presence. I run into His arms unashamed because of mercy. I can come to Him as I am. No shame is welcome in that space. The reason shame is such a repetitive scheme of the enemy is because our souls were never meant to feel it. Before the fall, Adam and Eve were in the garden unashamed with who they were. They were not created to feel shame. When the fall happened they started to feel it so they hid. They felt this feeling they were never created to feel and it caused them to hide from their Father who created them intentionally with purpose in every way. BUT because of Him, we don’t have to feel that shame. We can come to Him as we are UNASHAMED.

I don’t have to be anyone else. I can be Mary Grace, with all my imperfections and mess ups and He still wants me. He doesn’t just want me He longs for me. It is the EXACT same for you. You are enough. Everything about you is enough. 

“I delight myself in You
Captivated by Your beauty
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You”

“I delight myself in You
In the Glory of Your Presence
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You”

Read those lyrics deeply. Now read them again, but read them as Him speaking to you. He delights in you. In YOU. He marvels at you. He is captivated by your beauty. You walk into the room and He cannot help but run to you. Just your presence is enough for Him. Just who you are even with the mess ups and the mistakes and the dirty things the world tells you to feel shame about. 

That is overwhelming. I will never get over it.

Love, MG šŸ™‚

One response to “Overwhelmed and Unashamed”

  1. Iā€™m overwhelmed by the work He is doing through you my beautiful daughter! Iā€™m so proud of you! Love Dad. ??